So yeah, I did that blog on having to develop your voice and then I just shut up for a long while. That’s what happens when you tell an introvert they have to get out there and talk. Especially one who can pull the cover over her head and apply herself to the next story inspiration. So that’s what I did. I’ve been writing folks. Now, here I am with another book in hand. It’s a brief departure from the Sons of Tyras books. I have been writing on those too and hope to offer the next installment real soon.

Belle and the Beast is straight up a Regency Romance with a very beasty Beast, but he is not that way by magic. Oh, if only it were so easy as to just find the magic elixir to break his curse. But no, the Beast of Glendark has a very real curse on his life. And only Belle has dared to reach in to pull him out of the hellishness of his black ruin. But that is a dangerous prospect to her own heart, and the Beast’s curse threatens to pull her into a ruin of her own.

Find out more here.

Now back to work on Lord of Fire, the next in the Sons of Tyras series.