Sharpen the pencils and get out that fresh sheet of paper. April is here! Along with the spring weather, that means it’s time for Camp NaNoWriMo. For the next month, those of us who participate, will be focused on our writing to the exclusion of many other things. For me it means getting to write book four of the Sons of Tyras series. I will finally get to tell Carina Mircean’s story.

If you read book one, The Dragon Lord, then you have met Carina and may have guessed there was a story to tell concerning her. You were right.

But book four? Yes, two and three follow The Dragon Lord with Brez and Danaerus’s stories. They are both in production, with book two scheduled to come out by late May. But for now, it’s time for me to rev up the coffeepot and get going on Carina’s exciting story.

If you are a writer and you don’t know about National Novel Writing Month, otherwise known as NaNoWriMo and, now, the associated camps in April and July, then take a moment to look them up. For me, the benefits of participating in this event, gives me a set time to sharpen my focus on the prime agenda of being a writer, writing new and fresh material. It brings in the deadline pressure that keeps me from hesitating and second guessing and lets the muse do what muses do, surprising even me. And it gives me a chance to communicate with the writer community of which the official month in November draws from six continents to nearly 400,000 participants. Don’t worry, you don’t get lost in that number, because the sites are set up to encourage comradery among writers.

Is this April’s challenge too short a notice for you? There is another camp in July. So take a look and consider adding it to your writing calendar. Okay now, time for me to get busy writing.

In the meantime mark your calendars for the May release of book 2 in the Sons of Tyras series- Lord of Light!